Monday, February 13, 2012

iPad 2- Why To Jailbreak It - Technology - Gadgets and Gizmos

Jailbreaking process is very easy and simple or you can say just a one click process. To jailbreak your iPad you need to download and install the software. There are so many softwares to jailbreak your iPad but the most in use is Spirit Jailbreak Application for Mac and Windows.

The most important thing that you need to remember while jailbreaking your iPad that do not touch or do anything with your iPad during the jailbreaking process, just follow the instructions. Let allow it to complete its process.

Features of Jailbreaking: The one of the most important feature of jailbreaking is multi-tasking. With jailbreaking iPad your device can perform multi-tasking functions. It allows you to install the third-party applications. By adding all applications you will love to jailbreak your iPad always.

To have full access on the applications Cydia is used, which has new iPad-friendly interface means, full of applications. Now you must be thinking that what is Cydia? Don't worry I will explain it.

Cydia: It is the unofficial application store that allows you to access all goodies which Apple doesn't allow. It is a s/w application for iOS that helps users to search and install software packages.

Cydia is the 3rd party platform for a software on iOS. Most of the packages provided by Cydia are free. Most of the packages provides tweaks often called customizations and extensions that can be run only on jailbroken devices.

Popular packages of Cydia are Winterboard, My-Wi, SB settings and display out. Extensions provided by Cydia are based on the Mobile Substrate which is developed by Freeman.

How Cydia Works: It provides GUI to jailbroken iOS users and use APT archive in order to install unavailable software on the Application store. This archive consists of many stable packages. Anyone can set up host and can manage or update his/her archive to share it with the community.

Cydia packages can be downloaded directly on the iOS device. During the process of jailbreaking an iOS device, Cydia installed automatically.

Now the question arise whether it will damage your iPad? Then answer is No. When you are using Cydia applications, you should be relax and fine. But still it is true that every time things not happens as we want.

Sometimes jailbreaking brick your device and the main cause of this is bad quality software. So, its better to be alert while downloading the software to jailbreak your iPad.

I hope you like this article and must have got answers of all your questions.

To Jailbreak your iPhone Click here

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